
How To Make Yogurt With Your Insta Pot

Photo shows 2 quart jars of yogurt

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Insta pots are everywhere these days. The 2 Cooks even broke down and bought one. Like we really needed another appliance! We got the Ninja Foodie which has some great features, one of which is making yogurt.


Units Scale
  • 1/2 gallon Milk
  • 1/2 cup Yogurt With Live Cultures


  1. Set the Insta Pot to the Yogurt setting
  2. Set the time between 8 and 12 hours
  3. Add the milk
  4. Close the pressure cooker lid with the vent open
  5. Press Start
  6. When the milk has boiled and cooled the machine will let you know.
  7. Add the yogurt culture, stir, replace the lid and press Start again.
  8. When the machine turns off your yogurt is ready to refrigerate.
  9. Refrigerate for 8 hours.
  10. After that you can add flavors such as vanilla, fruit, sweeteners, etc or use as is.